Jun 27, 2014 | Post by: mnanda001 1 Comments

Big Dreams. Deep Breath. Deep Gratitude. …..the Big Dig.

I can’t believe half the year has gone by.  Where does the time go?   How does life pass so quickly?   Speaking about life passing by….Dr. Maya Angelou passed away the end of May and I’ve been thinking about her legacy and the lessons she left with so many of us.   Since I was little (younger than 10 years of age) I’ve always felt connected to her.   At this young age I didn’t understand how wise she was. I was just a young, mixed race girl who shared the same name with this very intelligent and articulate woman.  Sometimes in life it’s the small things (like a shared name) that connects you to something larger than yourself.  As time passed and I read more of her books and poems Maya Angelou,  like to so many others, inspired me.  She helped me think bigger and better and in ways I couldn’t do on my own.   Dr. Angelou was wise.  She took her life experiences and taught us the lessons she learned behind it all.

Life.  It’s so complex, isn’t it?  So exhilarating, sometimes scary, joyful, tiring, confusing, hard work, thrilling,  happy, sad ….the list could go on and on.  What I do know for sure LIFE is a blessing and a journey of  learning  how to be the best person you can be to yourself and to others around you.

As I reflected about life and time passing…I started realizing that my life as it exists today feels about right.   Is it perfect?  No way.  Could I  be better, give more, be more involved within the community,  learn more….? Absolutely, but generally I feel I’m on the right track and this feels good.

Having said this,  it’s a big year for me and my family.

{My Posse. I love this memory of us during Spring break this year.}

For one,  my husband and I hit the BIG 10 just a few weeks back.  Woohoo!  I always like to say …. “and we keep on dancing!” To find more interesting post check this new blog about the best pedals for peloton bike set.

We’re on the verge of turning 40 (well, at least he is…I turn 40 next year…that’s so, so far from now! :) ).    And, recently we decided to stay in the City and build a home.  Yes! Exciting news to share….we’re building a home and planting our roots even more so within our current community that we love!

It all started last August when my husband and I had an amazing vacation together in Spain.  There we talked about our dreams and goals as individuals, as a couple and as a family.   It was such a fun and thrilling conversation to have with one another.   We felt blessed that we were even in a position in our lives to have this conversation and it was there in Spain that we decided that we were ready to buy a home.

We currently own a beautiful condo in Chicago and have lived here for 9 years.  We have so many memories and good times shared in this space.  I know I’m going to be weepy when we have to leave.  It’s been the perfect home for us, but decided it was time to deepen our roots, create a home that our family will grown up in and if all goes as planned it will be the place that Rich and I will live until we retire to Sonoma (gotta keep that dream alive!)

{Our summer time hang out, our current front porch.  Such a random picture, but it’s so real.}

You may recall one of my prior post about my childhood home “Good-bye 30738 Dover Drive” it is this same feeling that I have for my childhood home that I want my kids to have about their home — feelings of love, security, good memories, a sense of community and an appreciation for family.  Surely, we have this in our current place our condo, but let’s face we were ready for a house.

The dream for this new home is for it to be the place where my out of town family can stay when they visit (no more hotels!).  I want it to be the hang out place for my kids and their friends as they get older and the place our friends visit to have fun for years to come.   I want to host holiday dinners with all my family there and I want to mark my kid’s height on the wall and look at it years from now…knowing we’ve made our ‘mark’ in this space and within our community.   Oh!  And I’m super excited to share that M. Interiors will have a proper office too! Whoop! Whoop!  I’m especially thrilled about this element of the home.

So there it is…a big year for us indeed and big news to share!  Big Dreams.  Deep Breath. Deep Gratitude.  I hope share with you some of our  journey in building our home with the intention to continue to inspire each other as it relates to design, family and life as we know it.  Of course,  Dr. Maya Angelou said it the best though….

Until next time…..


One Comment to Big Dreams. Deep Breath. Deep Gratitude. …..the Big Dig.

  1. Maggie
    June 29, 2014 7:40 am

    Ah. Sigh. So incredibly blessed and energized!! Life is great!

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