Mar 08, 2013 | Post by: mnanda001 5 Comments

Let It Be…

Let it be.   I’m sure you know this song by the Beatles, right?  I love this song’s simple, yet wise message of  just letting things be.  I don’t know about you, but sometimes it’s difficult for me to be still, to be quiet (my husband would agree with this one!) and just peacefully soak in my surroundings.

Sure life has it’s challenges and moments of stress, but I dare say that for many of us 90% of things that stress us out, worrying us, annoy or frustrate us are simply not that important when you put things in perspective.  So why do we make things more difficult than they have to be?  Why do we strive for perfection when there’s no such thing?  Does it really matter that your kid wrote with a Sharpie marker on your wooden floor?   (This just happened to us last week…mind you it was an accident as my son was drawing the Willis Tower, a skyscraper in Chicago, but let’s just say…. the feelings of “Let it Be” just didn’t come to mind.  Of course the floor is fine and the skyscraper turned out great!)

















Maybe I’m being presumptuous, but in this fast paced world so many of us are plugged in all the time, yet so disconnected, always expecting more and wanting more, keeping up with Jones (who the heck are the Jones anyway?)  Our to do lists keep growing and so do our sleepless/restless nights.  And why really?  Most everything in life just ends up working out just fine.

So it got me thinking of being a kid when I was more carefree and my imagination soared.  If I couldn’t be like this all the time now, why in the world can’t I create moments of time for myself to be like this on a daily basis or at least on a weekly basis?

I’ve always admired people who meditated regularly.  People who created a sacred spot in their home to relax their mind, turn off the world, to just be still, quiet…in other words…just let it be.  I’ve never designed a room for just mediation, but that would be cool.   Here’s some inspiring mediation rooms/spaces I came across.  I mean really in some of these spaces I wouldn’t stop mediating!!

Make the best of your bedroom.
Can you believe this is a foyer?  I’d plop a large slipcovered couch in there and meditate away!
Love this idea…Find a small space in your home and make the best of it….
A spare bedroom with a murphy bed converts to a mediation room.  Nice!

To have a room dedicated to just mediation, that’s pretty amazing, but not realistic for most of us.  Nor having easy access to lake views, forests etc… However, as you can tell in SOME of the pictures above  you can find small spaces  (a nook under a staircase) and make it YOUR space, convert/adjust a guest room or just plop a chair in the middle of your yard…..Obviously, you don’t need a dedicated room, lake views, a pool or a forest for mediation.  You just need a spot in your home where you feel comfortable and can capture a moment of quiet.

Here’s the spot in my home (keep’in it real) that I can find some quiet (sometimes).  I like this spot because I love the view of the park across the street from my home.

Here’s the view this week….winter wonderland….

Of course,  I love my garden too.

All this talk about being a kid, being carefree and letting my imagination soar reminded me of when I dreamed of having a tree house as a kid.  Who am I kidding?   I would LOVE one now.   There’s something about a tree house that heightens the sense of good around me (maybe cause I’m surrounded by nature), that gives me a sense of adventure, yet at the same time gives me a sense of escapism/provides a retreat…’s like the ultimate fort. (I’m talking like I’ve been in a tree house recently….remember it’s my imagination.)

If we’re ever so lucky to have a tree house someday…perhaps maybe I’d share the tree house with my kids :) because as many times I wish I could escape for a minute or two I’m sure my kids feel that about me x2!  Ha!

I would be happy with just a platform tree house (floor, roof and walls), but here’s some pretty spectacular tree houses that I’m dreaming of today….


What space in your home is your retreat?

Until next time, yet in the meantime….just LET IT BE.


5 Comments to Let It Be…

  1. Camelia T Sutorius
    March 9, 2013 11:47 pm

    Greetings Maya!!
    LOVE your blog! Your creative energy inspires all!!
    Thank you for sharing your inner joy! So fun to stay in touch with you,
    Rich and your amazing children. Please give them my love!!
    Love you so,

    • mnanda001
      March 12, 2013 10:18 am

      Thanks Camelia! So good to hear from you and I’m so happy you’re enjoying my blog! Thanks for your support. I hope all is well!


  2. Maggie Adams
    March 10, 2013 12:09 pm

    Love this! I want a tree house too! Let’s do it – maybe in Montana? (The Adams ultimate retreat location to vacate from the city and everything our lives normally are here – which is pretty great too.) Keep inspiring us Maya!

  3. Ronee
    March 12, 2013 4:09 pm

    Hi Maya,

    So happy to have found your blog via LinkedIn! I have been enjoying reading your past posts and am so happy for you – - I applaud your bravery to start your own business doing what you love. I hope you are wildly sucessful!

    I miss you,

    • mnanda001
      March 12, 2013 9:04 pm


      Such a treat to hear from you! I’m so excited that you able to explore my blog a bit and have enjoyed what you’ve read thus far. Thanks for becoming a subscriber too!

      I hope all is great with you. I think of you often and all the laughs we shared back in the day.


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